Thursday, March 12, 2009

Pay Attention to What Our Legislators Are (Not) Doing

With a new Federal administration come new hopes, new promises, new impetus for change. It's an opportunity to do what many new administrations accuse their predecessors of not doing: action rather than talk. Particularly at this time, with the U.S. economy in the throes of dramatic adjustment, our elected Federal leaders have a tremendous opportunity to engender goodwill in the Americans they serve by demonstrating it themselves.

Voting to discontinue automatic pay increases for themselves would be a good place to start. In fact, several places would be a good place to start, but would any other be more applauded and more appreciatively viewed by their constituents - and at such little cost, relatively speaking?

Why, then, did our Congressional House leaders actively let this opportunity slip through their fingers this week?

Read about it here. If you feel strongly about it, call or email your senator to voice your opinion.

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