Friday, September 21, 2007

On kisses and clothing

Is anyone else alarmed/amused/bothered/perplexed/saddened by the realization that many people won't buy used clothing at yard sales or thrift stores because it "might have germs"--or insist on fastidiously sanitizing their hands after shaking hands in greeting--but willingly have sex with a number of partners in a week? Without so much as washing their hands first?


Je Vole Avec Les Singes (JVALS) said...

Are you sure that the same group of people who are germaphobes who won't buy used clothes and douse themselves in hand sanitizer are the same ones who are having such a varied and robust sex life?

Erica said...

A valid question, monkey flyer!

HappyRelations said...

Buying used clothes is a really good way to cut down on overconsumerism. But, it has become a sign of being of a lower class. I would bet $100 that the majority of people who drive brand new cars wouldn't be caught dead in a Salvation Army. Using hand sanitizer should be a last resort, because it gets rid of all the "good" bacteria as well. Gettin' it on, well, people are promiscuous obviously have love/self esteem/hedonism issues.

Erica said...

happyhibiscus, so true--especially about the hand sanitizer killing the good germs too.

Dr. Logan said...

I must be the exception to the rule, because I have promiscuous sex while wearing thrift-store dresses and hand-sanitizer.

Erica said...

What is the saying . . . the exception proves the rule? But seriously, you look MAHvelous.

Kathycsus said...

Used clothing can have germs? Ack! *drops all second-hand items in undiluted bleach* Things I never thought to worry about... I do consider disease a deterrent to sex, however, the concern would be big things like AIDS or herpes or some rare strain of ebola virus (kidding). Perhaps the "germs" on used items are deemed "probable" while the diseases that can be contracted from promiscuous sex are considered "unlikely."

Enjoying your blog, btw. :)

Erica said...

I'm guessing you've hit the nail on the head. In addition, we don't tend to like to wear our faults on our sleeve (used clothing, off-brand labels, last year's styles), but we carry the hidden ones (illicit doings, nasty attitudes) around and think that no one else sees them.

Traci McCaughey said...

Never thought about that. I buy from and donate to thrift shops.

I don't have promiscuous sex nor do any of my close friends. We are all married or in committed relationships.

If when my boys grow up and I find that out about them, I will knock their heads together and then have their father show them every vile picture of an STD related picture.

You make a point though. My favorite series was Sex and the City. Samantha was a character that seemed so far fetched but I do live in Iowa now. :o) She had sex with anything that and women. Yet she only wore the classiest clothes and accessories. I know women who idolized her. Her "freedom" and luxury.

The way you put Auntie, ick!

And Dr. Logan......WHATEVER man!:o)

Traci McCaughey said...

Never thought about that. I buy from and donate to thrift shops.

I don't have promiscuous sex nor do any of my close friends. We are all married or in committed relationships.

If when my boys grow up and I find that out about them, I will knock their heads together and then have their father show them every vile picture of an STD related picture.

You make a point though. My favorite series was Sex and the City. Samantha was a character that seemed so far fetched but I do live in Iowa now. :o) She had sex with anything that and women. Yet she only wore the classiest clothes and accessories. I know women who idolized her. Her "freedom" and luxury.

The way you put Auntie, ick!

And Dr. Logan......WHATEVER man!:o)